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How do I cancel my membership?
How do I cancel my membership?

If your child no longer wants to read in Maneno, you take a break by unsubscribing.

Thomas Normann-Ekegren avatar
Written by Thomas Normann-Ekegren
Updated over a week ago

If you wish to cancel your membership, you will find instructions in the article.

NB. If you have a membership purchased as an iTunes subscription, unfortunately, cannot be put on hold but must be unsubscribed from iTunes. See: Cancel membership created via iTunes

Cancel membership

This is done on our self-service page

Login with your registered email and password.

Click on your membership - in this case, it is "Maneno-Introductory-Offer".

Then select: 'Cancel membership'.

Note that a confirmation appears in the upper part of the window.

If you still need help, feel free to write a message to [email protected] and we can take it from there.

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